Monday, December 19, 2005

Squidoo Lense on Swedish Law

Seth Godin has a new company called Squidoo. The basic idea behind Squidoo is that each individual is an expert on topics that he or she cares about, and Squidoo will allow anyone to create a specialized webpage in which this expertise can be made available to others. Seth Godin calls these webpages lenses, which he suggests can be used to help others make sense of the world. Lenses are explained on the official Squidoo blog, SquidBlog.

My first try is the Swedish Law Lense, where I will try to add as many links to Swedish acts and other legal material available in English as possible. At present I have included links to Swedish Labour Legislation and to Swedish Business Legislation.

Do check it out and, more importantly, set up a lense your self. This is the new way to interact and share information, all a part of Web 2.0.

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